Friday, January 7, 2011

Today with the therapist...

Parker's occupational therapist came today. She comes to check his eating habits because of the need to have thickened liquids. Well today I brought up a concern of mine. Parker hates tummy time. He keeps his face planted on the ground and just screams the entire time. He doesn't try to lift his head at all. I figured with spending 8 days flat on his back in the hospital, maybe he's just behind the curve a bit.

So she holds him, starts moving him around to check his head and neck control, and then puts him on his belly. I kid you not, Parker rolls himself over onto his back. She laughs and then puts him back on his belly. So he rolls again, the other way. She laughs again, said he's ahead of the curve and that I shouldn't worry at all. What a way to make your mommy look stupid, Parker!


  1. Wow, go Parker! But you really shouldn't make your mom look bad, she feeds you and holds you and everything else. :)

  2. Go Parker! That's awesome! What a tough little guy!

  3. How cute! I'm so glad to hear that he's doing so well....and he's super cute!

  4. He just wants to continue to prove everyone wrong. Has he done it again? Who needs stinkin' tummy time anyway? Way to go Parker!
